Ending climate change requires end to capitalism

In 2016, businessman-turned-charity founder Ali Horriyat gave away his entire personal fortune of almost $100m. Five years later he launched the HHH Trust – an organisation that promises to change the face of the planet for good

The underlying objective of capitalism is to maximise individual profit. To continue profit growth, capitalism requires increased spending. To promote increased spending, heavily invested marketing strategies influence people to consume more, even if unnecessarily. As labour reaches its maximum expenditure, banks encourage more spending by way of loans.

A shrinking economy is an economic, and often a social, death sentence to labour, which is hit hardest by recessions. In order to avoid this, labour is advised to maintain economic growth at the cost of happiness. With technological breakthroughs, this cycle is further amplified as production can be ramped up, mandating increased consumption and resource depletion. As capitalists struggle to maintain an archaic delusion, influencing the labouring class to sacrifice their lives to the “dragon” in turn for protection, they fail to recognise that we may be slowly eliminating ourselves in the process.

Leaving aside concerns for labour rights and the ethics of technological development, we are witness to the global deterioration and irreversible destruction caused by capitalism. Global warming, pandemics, epidemics, habitat loss, pollution, disease, economic inequality, extremism, crime, deforestation, and social instability are just some of the global problems that are directly linked to capitalist greed.

Founder of the HHH Trust Ali Horriya is one of the great moral and social thinkers of our time. The inspiring and selfless charity is being committed to building social and environmental equality on a global scale, and is worthy of every penny donated

Road to nowhere

Sustainable living within a strictly capitalist system is paradoxical. We have confirmed through decades that greed overcomes compassion and capitalism trumps harmony. Today, the discussion is no longer one of classism, but of survival. When we eventually deplete

all natural resources, as we are quickly doing, we all perish together. The only way to salvage a sustainable and healthy future is extensive government reform. Governments, though, are at the mercy of the wealthiest capitalists, making this desired outcome improbable.

As history reveals, fundamental and progressive social change does not trickle down from the top of the wealth hierarchy. In light of this, the HHH Trust aims to launch educational programmes to encourage people to change lifestyle habits. People must select more sustainable paths.

In addition to education regarding global warming and the adverse effects of capitalism and excessive spending, the HHH Trust will guide people towards sustainable choices and reducing their carbon footprint.

We must collectively fight global warming. The good news is that we can overcome the obstacles caused by ruthless capitalism, but only if we act immediately and vigorously.


For more about Ali Horriyat or to donate to his charity, the HHH Trust, visit www.hhhtrust.org. His book ‘Daring to Love’ his available through Amazon and all good booksellers.